Hi and welcome to The Journey Never Ends.
Today we're going to talk about how people make the impossible possible and how you
can persevere over any obstacle to do just that,
make the impossible possible.
I like to
push people beyond their limit and inspire people to do more than they think
they're capable of because it makes the world a better place.
Some of the great people in the world have done amazing things that have never been
done before because of the deep inspiration they saw in the world.
For instance,
Einstein was inspired by the thought of writing a light beam and what that would be like.
And he carried this deep in his heart as he would do research.
And what was crazy about Einstein, which I love, is that the scientific community hated him and
I get it.
He was probably pretty egotistical,
but he also would just write thought experiments out and he would write papers and
he would not cite any of the contemporary scientists at the time,
which that's not how science works.
Normally there's a community.
You say, Hey, this guy did this and I'm building on that.
And based on what this guy said, I'm right, et cetera.
So Einstein kind of just did his own thing and eventually he broke through.
He persevered through not getting attention, people not taking him seriously.
And he revolutionized science.
One phenomenon that I've realized is that when someone does something impossible,
quote unquote,
and can do what used to be impossible.
For instance, it used to be thought that it was impossible to run a four minute mile.
When the four minute mile was finally achieved shortly thereafter,
many other people were capable of doing this quote-unquote physically impossible feat.
So people that are able to make what's impossible possible really lead by example.
They are inspired, they do something great, and then they inspire other people to be better.
I really believe in expanding the positivity in the collective consciousness,
expanding humanity and making people do things that are impossible,
quote unquote impossible.
So what I'm trying to get at is essentially for y'all to be inspired.
I mean, you can't just be inspired, but really look around for inspiration.
Inspiration can come from your family,
your friends,
your coworkers,
any mentors,
really anyone.
It can even come from nature.
And so once you're able to find the inspiration that
that drives you to work harder than the next person,
the inspiration that makes you visualize doing something quote unquote impossible,
or maybe something that is just hard and other people have accomplished like
running a four minute mile.
Once you get that inspiration, you need to be motivated to take action.
And then you need discipline to carry you in your plan to get to your end goal.
Seems pretty simple, right?
So just look for inspiration, look for motivation, enable your discipline, and you got it.
You are successful.
Just kidding.
It's not that easy.
Motivation can come and go.
Therefore, I like to regularly get pumped up again.
I like to get re-motivated on a regular basis.
And I do this by listening to speeches and compilation of speeches that are motivating.
People like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
People like Icky Johnson.
People like Muhammad Ali.
The greats of the world not only have inspired me to be successful in my own way,
but I regularly listen to them to re-engage the fire of motivation that I need to
execute on.
Motivation is the fuel that gets the fire a little bit bigger.
And discipline grows the fire.
And this fire is the metaphor for your success, for your progress.
So always look for inspiration.
Always look for motivation.
And never forget that discipline is freedom.
If you're going to do something that is impossible, you need all three components.
to succeed.
So don't forget to write down and understand what success means for you.
That's all I wanted to talk about today.
Really appreciate you guys being here.
Much love.
The silence can be very loud.
that's all I wanted to talk about today is just guide you guys through a very
simple meditation to clear your mind,
to listen to the silence,
to really help hone in on where your mind is in order to utilize your mind to
create the world you want to see around you.
meditation is fundamental in visualization.
Meditation is foundational for quieting your mind to allow for deep visualization.
And again, as we have learned, visualization allows you to create
and impose your will on the universe so that you can create the life you're looking
for and overcome any obstacle.
That's all I wanted to talk about today.
Really appreciate y'all being here.
Have a great day and much love.
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