The journey never ends
Progress is this moment
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -7:30

Progress is this moment

Overcome any level of destruction by intentional accountability in the present moment

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I am a new person, after episode three. Unable to look back, pretending to be free from this inconsistency…Persistently, I progress - FORWARD because backward doesn’t produce success. FORWARD I focus because the universe says “hocus hocus” to manifest for me a reality that I can hardly conceive.

Hi, and welcome to The Journey Never Ends.

Today, we're going to talk about destruction and how it is a very important part for creation.

So have you ever seen these home builders that buy houses?

They level them in order to create a brand new, maybe a modern house.

I think the concept of leveling out your life to,

in a sense,

start anew is important because a lot of people experience rock bottom,

experience destruction,

and are sometimes left in anguish.

I've been there before.

As I mentioned,

I do struggle with bipolar one disorder and I've had three very insane psychotic

breaks that lasted for months.

That being said,

you can imagine that after the psychotic breaks where I spent all my money,

I lost my job,

I lost friends,

et cetera.

It was a lot of destruction and

But what I've realized is that I'm so blessed that the destruction occurred.

And I say that because now I have a very beautiful house that I built,

a modern house on the plot of land that I just destroyed everything on.

In other words, I'm very happy.

I have a life that I created and recreated based off of what I want.

If destruction would not have occurred, I would probably be a doctor right now.

I would be stuck in a job I didn't like.

or I would be stuck in a toxic relationship.

Those are the things that I've been able to break free from and grow from since my

destruction and creation,


I just have a couple tips for you if you're somewhat at rock bottom and you're

looking to create a better life for you.

One of which is the lack of focus on the past and the hyper focus on the present

moment that will build your future.

I always think of energy as finite.

In other words, you have limited energy.

You have limited energy for decisions.

You have limited energy to run a marathon.

You have limited energy of your focus.

Think of it this way.

I have a hundred finite units of energy that allow me to create and better myself

and look towards the future.

If I spent 20 units of that energy regretting and looking at the past and seeing

myself in a low energy,

I now only have 80 units of energy to move forward and create the life I want.

So just don't look back.

I know it sounds easier said than done,

but for me,

it was essential to only look forward because of the destruction that I created in

my life.

So again, use every ounce of your energy to move forward.

And it's not about looking at an overwhelming future of how far you are from it,

but it's looking at the present,

making the right decisions,

the best decisions at that present moment and being able to build a better future.

Because at the end of the day,

Your present defines your future because moment by moment,

the present becomes the past and it informs the future.

If you really think about it, then your present moment is...

your past, and it is your future at the same time.

So if you're not happy with your past,

know that you still have control over the future past,

the future,

and the present.

You are in control.

You are accountable for your life and you need to impose your will on your life in

order to decide your trajectory,

regardless of where you're starting,

regardless if you're at rock bottom,

regardless if you're not at rock bottom,

it is your responsibility to

to move forward in the direction you want.

That is why I suggest that you guys understand where you want to go,

understand to-do lists on how to get there day by day,

week by week,

month by month,

to meet the milestones of the life that you want to live.

And again, this is not possible if you're spending your energy and your focus on the past on

on a path that maybe wasn't suiting you.

I think of it that the past that didn't suit you,

that created destruction,

has now catalyzed your regrowth.

It has now catalyzed the rest of your life in the trajectory you're going to,

assuming that you take that accountability to take action and build the future you want.

That was a lot.

That was a big little soapbox I just gave you guys.

But I really internalize this fact and it's the only reason I have been able to

recreate the best life for myself given the turmoil that I have caused because of

my disorder and because of my situation.

Again, it was pretty nuts, literally.

But when I look back, I tell myself I was sick.

I tell myself I didn't have the same resources that I do today.

And I tell myself, let's move forward.

Progress is this moment.

Progress is shaped by every moment in the present.

Don't forget that.

So all I wanted you guys to realize today and think about today is move forward,

look forward,

focus on forward by being mindful,

being intentional of your present.

Plan your trajectory,

take ownership of your life,

and then you are able to overcome any obstacle,

create from any type of destruction,

and build the life you're looking for.

That's all I wanted to chat about today.

Appreciate you guys listening.

Much love.

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